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Visit Berakhah

Visiting Berakhah

We at Berakhah treasure our friends that take the time to come visit and see all we do and to meet the children in our care, anytime is the right to visit Berakhah of course  that must be during the day. 

The duration of the visit can range for just one hour to several days or weeks during this time you  will experience first-hand what we are all about.

We encourage you to come as an individual or as team, We can always give you a take through in all that we are doing.


Visitors coming into Uganda are required to apply for a visa.  For any inquiries regarding visa applications and costs, please visit https://visas.immigration.go.ug
Note: Single entry visas can be obtained at the airport however, it is better to apply for before travelling to Uganda.  The rest of the visas are issued at the immigration Headquarters in Kampala.